The Taj Mahal Hotel - Mumbai (INDIA)

People watching Taj going in ashes

Indian Army working hard to bring situation under control

(Note: Pictures above are from BBC)
When i was on my way back home from work i got a call from my friend who told me about terrorist attack in Mumbai (India). I was so shocked by hearing the horrific news. Without much delay rushed home and started switching between BBC and NDTV news channel on which there was live coverage of the dreadful incident.
Was awake till 03:00 am watching news channels as i couldn't sleep and also was getting more curious to know as which group or organization were behind this attack which has caused absolute KIOS in india. News channels are not sure as who is behind the attack but considering the way how attack been planned they are suspecting it must be some well known group who has done there homework. I feel sad that despite every country joining hands against terrorism, allowed something like this to happen.
Click here to Watch BBC Coverage on the incident
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