12/23/2008 08:23:00 pm

State of mind...

Posted by Rags

“Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.” – Christina G. Rossetti

I’m so down right now, time is really hard lately with some ups and downs. Personally I hate moaning about every little obstacle that comes up in my life. I have been feeling really sad lately. My self-esteem has dropped to such a low I don’t know if I can ever recover it again. My life at the moment really sucks.

If you have read one of my previous post where I have mentioned about my holiday to Bangalore to visit my parents, was so excited cause its been such a long time but sadly this morning I was told at work that they can’t grant my leave as its only now I have been promoted to different role in the company. Addition to that because of this economic downturn every one at work is really scared and no one including me is willing to take chances. So, I simply agreed to cancel my leave and re-apply in April 09.

God, I’m feeling so sad! But felt a bit relaxed after getting a bit of advice about my trip to Bangalore. According to my friend since the market situation is very bad and it’s been only 2-3 weeks since I got promoted for a new role at work so need to dedicate sometime and save some more money then plan my trip.

I feel like a crap anyways so well, decided to postpone my visit to Bangalore…