As mentioned in one of my previous post, I'm on my way to London for 'You Tube Gathering'. Have to get up early today for a quick shower then rush to train station to catch a train to london. Need to mention that while traveling on train i always make sure to reserve window seat 'cause i just love to see outside the window when train is on fast move and get myself in some deep thoughts.
I'm failing to figure out as why i keep feeling low so often. I'm not sad for anything but still somewhere deep inside me wants me to keep distance from outside world and lock myself in a room and just be alone. I know thats quite scary and i definitely don't want to see myself in that situation so I work hard to keep myself occupied and i believe that helps me to certain extent to keep my worries aside at least for sometime.
Now, I'm sure you might be wondering as what those worries are? To be honest thats exactly what I'm failing to understand.
Anyways, I'm glad that weather is looking good today and that means I can enjoy some nice sunshine in london... lol. Oops, I forgot to mention about yesterday's night out. Ninan my new friend invited me to join him for a couple of drinks so happend to join him with my mate chris. I was quite surprised to see my other batch mates at the party still it was fun.
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